"Thank you, Guardian Angel."
- Mellow
Mellow is the main protagonist in Endacopia. The player plays as Mellow throughout the entire game.
Mellow is a small child with a signature red cap and blue shirt. He has a blank face with two blue eyes. His mouth is only visible when speaking. Two white hands at his sides, and red shoes.
Mellow seems to be a quiet but curious kid who doesn't really know what he's doing due to losing his memory in some way. He might be a little too curious given how many questions he asks for his own good. Seems to be smarter than the average 6 year old being able to solve puzzles and lure out a cockroach with cheese and kill it for coins. He's also pretty strong for his age, considering he fought a clock being and killed it in a fight.
Likes / Dislikes[]
Mellow likes to draw and "Play' soccer, but also doesn't like to get dirty considering he wouldn't touch a cockroach to kill it. Mellow does say he "Prefers mouth-less signs." but changes his mind when he feels guilty about saying it.
Abilities in game[]
- Obtaining objects.
- Climbing through vents
- Solving puzzles
- Hiding
- Fighting
- Mellow is allergic to cheese.
- Mellow has amnesia from being bonked so many times by Henry and falling through vents.
- No known parents at the time, but the image on the computer when you login as 'Mellow' shows that someone is being thrown from a truck. Mellow might've been that person.
- He's smart and yet he doesn't know how to read. This implies that he's not going to school and learning what he should.